Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Hello again! I only have like twenty minutes before I have to get ready for work. Today should be an easy day....acting supervisor on weekends. I feel that I should get paid more because hello I'm the actor. Okay here is the question for the day. Have you ever wondered if there is some god or demon that exists purely to torture you. Well I think that there is. The god or demon that likes to torture me is the God of "Putsalotofpressure." He awakens almost everyday to put massive amounts of pressure on me so that I just want to scream or go take a relaxing hot shower. But then there is the God of the Twilight Phone who knows that I am on the phone all day at work and that the only time I have off the phone is when I am at home, in bed, or driving. Well he is starting to infect everything. I try to get enough sleep for the entire nation everynight even though it doesn't work out that way. And damned it here comes the God of the Twilight Phone. Here is a typical situation with twilight phone outside of work...ready..go! Me: ZZzZZzz Phone: Ring...ring...ring...ring...ring Me: Oh man. Who is calling? Hello? Phone: Hi this is Britney from AT&T and I was just.... Me: Excuse me I didn't ask for your service goodbye. You know the people that do outbound calling should really remember call during 9am-5pm...cause that's when everyone is at work. But I will get like four hundred calls a day. One time I actually counted the amount of calls that came in when I was dead tired 77 calls in like four hours. Hello!! So I no have the phones hidden throughout the house and my ringer is turned off. Never with wire hangers...rememeber that piece of advice. Joan Crawford? You know Mommy Dearest? Well that is today's moral of the whole damned story. Never with wire hangers. Reason one: never use a wire hanger to unlock you car will only lead to a broke lock. Reason Two: Don't let you kids play with wire hangers...will lead to a huge doctor's bill for having to get it out of the child's mouth Reason Three or The only other reason I could think of: Don't use wire hangers on clothing 1) may rust and cause rust spots on your clothing 2) can easily snag that expensive shirt or pants 3) just because and 4) Joan Crawford will yell at you "Never with wire hangers...never...never!" Hey it could happen!! Well gotta go fix some lunch in 6 mins to head of to work!! Enjoy the day or what's left of it! Toodle Fanoodle!! Paul


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