Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, August 11, 2003

Come on baby...gimme gravy

Gimme gimme gimme gimme gravy tonight.

Well that is what my job is. It is a gravy job making more money than I was before. And guess what I don't have to be on the phone for 7 1/2 hours daily. I like the people that I work with although something tells me that they don't have a wild side like me. There is a lady that lives like 15 mins away from me working with me and a lady from India and a lady from Tennessee. She is the southern bell...has the voice and everything. The best part about working at CGroup is that Joyce "Crackwhorethewiltedflower" Wilt works with me. We have laughed soo much since I've been there and it's only been for two whole days.

Top five reasons why I hated Alphabet Group:

1. Too many politics
2. The I can do it but you can't system
3. Backstabbing
4. Mandatory OT
5. Bitchy supervisors

What I miss:

Susan, Angel, Samantha, Tricia, Ellen, Jocelyn, Terese, Sharon, Susie, Josetta, Amanda, Desi, Aimee, Joanne, Barb, Janetta, Robin, Chrissy, Alicia, Melody. There may be some people I've forgotten but I doubt it. As for missing my supervisors...nah.

Toodle fanoodle,



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