Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, July 27, 2003

You mean Harvard as in vay-kay?

What movie is that line quoted from...huh? Well I got my vacation off from work. Except that I have to call in one of the days as suggested by my supervisor and call center manager. Which makes me wonder how suitable each is for their position. I mean I've never had a supervisor or manager tell me to call into work. But I think I have come up with a compromise. Go in later that evening on the 7th of Aug. around 6pm or so. Hey it might just work and then I won't have to call in.(*Note: Remember if you have access to this site it is not to leave the site and go to work with you...these are just my personal thoughts and ways of venting when I'm frustrated...bring it to work and bring home the unemployment check...this is not a threat...think of it more as a promise that the government will uphold for me...I've done the research on this okay...okay) I can see everytime I write about work I'll have to include my note of don't run your mouth...damn it.

I have an interview with Mamsi tomorrow at 1:30pm. Can't wait. I have to take some retarded test to make sure I'm call center material...umm hello I've only done this for a total of four years now. I hope I make it to work on time. And then on Tuesday I have an interview with Strayer University for admission. Go Me!!

Off to Tammy's to go swimming...ker plunk...ker plunk!


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