Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Say it ain't so...

That I have to work today. And worst off is that I have no one there with me tonight to keep me entertained. God Angel why do you have to have off on Wednesdays and Thursdays? Please decide to come in tonight...and Tricia you are so right about shoo'ing a fly with the mouse...I've done that countless times and for some reason believe that it will work one day as long as I believe hard enough.

Now it's time to say goodbye to one of family...F A M (hoping your doing good) I L Y (hope to see you soon)

God Tasha why did they fire you already. That is complete and udder bullshit. I mean we need people and you had to take off yesterday to get a car to be able to get to work. No sympathy. I have your number and will call you tomorrow. I'm so mad to see you go because it was fun working with you and talking. If you need anything call me this weekend at work and I'll give you my home phone number and stuff. I love ya and will miss my craziest friend of ever!

Off to watch reruns of Dawson Creek to discover new words I didn't know existed. They have the vocabulary of Philosophers...what's up with that?

So I will leave you with this:

Here we are face to face
A couple of Silver you remember that?



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