Fade to black...
Well last night my hair was platinum and I was really okay with it for awhile but, I decided that black makes me look more human than looking like cornbread or margarine with blonde hair. So my hair is now raven black...I mean like so black it's almost appauling. So anyway, I didn't get all of my head when I was dying it so I have a blot of hair the size of a pea that is still platinum...but I think it adds character and now I resemble Mr. Sheffield from The Nanny only with the lighter hair in the back. My bad!!
So I started my new job today and it is wonderful. I mean I actually enjoyed being there today despite what my preconceptions were. The benefits are outstanding and I get to roll over my 401(k). They also have a prom in January for the company employees. Everything is free...and they serve filet mignon and crabs for the entree...but I need a tuxedo and a date to go with me to Martins West. Oh la la! I need new clothes too. I'm just not satisfied with my current selection. I want wild and zany shit like from Hot Topic. But first I have to get a pay check or two under my belt. And I am so happy to be making like $850.00 every two weeks. It's great and shoparific.
So April if you haven't figured it out already the body part is the lower lip. Mmm...not so bad. So there is the answer to the question about what I would enjoy have a bite at. Biting does not equal pain unless you draw blood. Which in my case my teeth are so sharp I'm surprised I haven't done that to someone yet.
Here is another reminder to all of you who need reminding...
Today is the 2 year anniversary of Aaliyah's death. So that means that you need to light a candle sometime tonight in her memory. And I mean it. I did my part when I got my tattoo of "In Memory Of Aaliyah" so that I'm reminded everyday. I know it sounds crazy but she is just part of who I am. So to Aaliyah's friends and family again I am sorry for the loss that you have had to endure and I hope that each day becomes brighter and brighter knowing that she is still shining through her fans.
Quizzles for the fizzles...

you are a richotched emu! you are fun, lovable, and
stupid. you deserve to burn in hell. or at
least be bitten by a rabid gopher.
What random phyco are you!?
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The Number Seven.
What Random Number are YOU?
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hell yea i'd fuck you all night long !
Would i fuck you ?
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Your: Mysterious eyes. All in the title. Your
independant secretive and myseterious. You
appear cold and distant, but hey, at leats no
one messes with you.
What type of eyes do you have?
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