Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, August 22, 2003

I am the exception to your everything...

Is that a t-shirt logo or what? I really need to break into the t-shirt logo industry. I mean it.

Just got finished downloading some music...did I pay for it...I think not. And then went on to read some blogs of people I would obviously find boring. I understand that having a vast vocabulary is a good trait but damn these people are to me...modern day Shakespeareans. It makes me wonder if they have ever heard of slang terminology. Ugh! People frustrate me beyond belief.

Just when you thought Joan Crawford was dead...dun...dun...dun

It's been forever since I've mentioned her highness. Well when I was in Baltimore I got to way Queer Eye For The Straight Guy for the first time...and now I'm in love with it. I love it for the simple fact that the guy they made over used wire hangers. For anyone who doesn't know this...that is bad karma for your couture. Well the really really Queer Eyed Guy says "Do you know what wire hangers do to your clothes? And who will come after you? J.C. and I don't mean Jesus Christ...Joan Crawford." I thought I was going to lose it. See I told you that wire hangers invoke Joan Crawford.


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