Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


So I found out today that I am the greatest. You want to know why don't you? Well at work the people that are in my training class are all levels and levels below me. I'm only two levels from becoming a Lead or Supervisor. How great is that. The other people in my class are around level 2-3. I'm a level five in the ARS department which is the highest you can be signed on with.

So I checked the comments that I left on Kicking Puppies and Pink Haired Girl and everyone that has commented on me biting thinks it is hot and sexy. I agree. And they feel as long as I don't draw blood that everything is orgasmic. He..he...he! How great is biting now. I think that the world needs to be bite more because maybe they would be in a better mood. At least I know that I would.

I also discovered today that Erotica by Madonna is probably the most bestest song of ever. It doesn't effect me as much as Mouth by Bush but damn I love the song. I've listened to it about 50 times today and that was just on the way to and from work. Work is going excellently and knowing that I make around 3-4000 dollars more than other people is great too. God I'm so vain and selfish but that can be a good thing...

Well I'll write later if anything else interesting should happen!

Goodbye...farewell...get the fuck up out of my face...just joking...bite me!



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