So I'm broke right? Well I thought so but you know how appealing shopping is right? So that's what I had to It's the cream to my coffee. Today I managed to buy a lot of Todd Oldham stuff for my cubicle at work. List-o-products:
1. A miniture file cabinent
2. A frame
3. A set of three clip frames
4. A clock
5. A magnetic (cork) board
And since Frank and Dwayne do not have a bottle opener I bought them a really nifty red one for $5 and a set of two "friendly" sperm magnets for their kitchen they were $5 as well. Altogether I bought like $90 worth of stuff for $47. I am too good.

This is the picture I get for taking the gay test at! And the caption beside it says "Frank, we need to talk...Now!" April was like 38% gay. Dwayne and I are 64% gay. And Frank wound up being 65%. It is all based on these really like weird questions that you can't help but not answer with a gay answer. I getting ready to take the personality quiz. Wish me luck.
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