Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I need to be in...

A better fucking mood. Woke up this morning and could not sleep. I mean when you go to bed at 4am and wake up at 8am your not exactly Mary Fucking Sunshine. Maybe that's the reason I'm in a bad mood. Plus I just balanced my checkbook and paid bills and I'm left with $89 to the end of the week. Which really isn't horrible but when I get paid on Friday I still have no money because then my car payment is due. Fuck...fuck...fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the infinite degree. I want a tattoo so bad but I don't have the cash flow for it right now. The only thing that could possibly make me happy right now is a tattoo for some reason because I found the OM symbol I want. I wish my parents would loan me there credit card so I could get it. It would only be like $50.00. But until then, they are taking me to the movies to see UnderWorld. Paxil is just not helping with my mood today. I just want to yell and fucking hit someone. On a lighter note:

I had mad fun with April and Frank last night. We went to the Adult Bookstore in Martinsburg and then went back to Frank's place. Frank made me feel good about myself saying that I am attractive and I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Big ups to Frank. When I actually have money I am buying him something. Frank you lucky bastard!


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