Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Have you had your break today?

I'm craving McDonald's chicken nuggets right now? Can someone please get me a ten piece and hand deliver it to me NOW? It would be greatly appreciated...and you have to pay for it too....because I said so.

Work went good today. It was a little boring but by the grace of the powers of greyskull it proved to be an interesting day. I thought about cutting my fingernails for most of the day becasue they are soooooo long that they hit other keys when I type. And I thought about what it would be like to be a hooker. Would I be a nighttime hooker or daytime hooker? I couldn't imagine turning a trick at 6am. Really...the nerve of men trying to buy a hooker that early in the's not like you get an early bird discount. Or do you? I'll have to find out when I go back to Baltimore...there are plenty of hookers for me to interview there.

I think the lady that I was sitting with today caught herself in a ackward moment today. Because we all know how everyone just assumes that I'm gay well she was like "I'm assuming that you don't have kids or a wife?" "I'm assuming that you don't have a girlfriend?" "I'm assuming that this can be a good thing." And when I answered yes to all of the above. Not that a significant other wouldn't be nice right now, she gave me this look like oh shit I think I want to ask him if he's gay but that would be ackward and inappropriate. She already said she doesn't care for tattoos and I have 6. Say la ve! But for some reason I have to assume she is half retarded...I don't know why. Plus she looks like Nicole Kidman and Australian's are just like that! I'm just kidding...fucka!!!

Anyway, I'm off to find a movie to watch tonight...later



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