Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Standing Ovariation

Aside from not falling asleep as I so desperately wanted to do at work today I had a conversation about the female reproductive system. Has anyone ever noticed that it sort of resembles a "moose head" when it is drawn in textbooks? Am I crazy or are women harboring "moose heads" but we call them vaginas? Here moosey moosey...want a carrot? I infact have too much time on my hands. If you add water to the "moose head" will it be like a chia pet and sprout foliage? Oh the endless questions that I have with the female opposed to the male vagina.

Today was a pretty good day except for the whole "I'm feening" episode. But I'm proud of myself for I did not try to score anything. Those days I have told myself are over. It has been a long time since I've gotten high off of pills and I truly don't need them. It just comes up every once and awhile. It's sort of like the recovered alcoholic feening for a beer a year later. So in conclusion to this story I'm happy to say that while my brain was telling me "You need vicodin" the Pop-up Conscience Angel told me "Get over it." And I did. Yay me.

And I cannot express to my readers how much I am considering William Hung my American Idol. I only watched the first three episodes. But he is wonderful and the reason behind this is that when he went to a professional voice technician or whatever they are called he improved his version of "She Bangs." But it doesn't stop there...he sung "Can You Feel The Love Tonight." And what makes it even better he added a little zest to it...what do I below:

The correct line in the song: It's enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best

The William Hung Way: It's enough to make kings and wiggabons believe the very best.

How cute is that? Wiggabons..he is so my new hero! I can't wait until his LP drops..."White Dragwon." Am I being mean...nah...he lit up my life for just a moment and I think he rocks because he believes in himself. So big thumbs up to you William prove Simon, Paula, Randy become the American Idol.

Vaginas, Drugs and William Hung...enough said.


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