Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, June 13, 2005

It's a nice day for a white wedding

Well it is official. April is married. She has been married for almost 48 hours now. She was absolutely stunning. April has always been beautiful though. I think that when a woman wears a wedding gown for some reason their beauty is amplified. Adam didn't look too bad in his tuxedo either. He cleans up quite nicely.

And, yes I almost started crying when April started walking down the aisle. For some reason I always think that things change after someone gets married. Friendships are never as strong as they used to be. It is not like someone means for it to happen but it does. I can see my future already...alone. And I am very content with that. Always have been always will be. I believe that most people are meant to fall in love and get married and then there are a select few that are to spend their lives alone, with the exception of friends and family. And at best a person like me can expect to have a hand full of life long friends. I believe that April is one of those even if things change like they did with Amanda (my college friend).

I just hope that Adam makes April happy. Because if he doesn't he better understand that I will cut a bitch...LOL. What April has always needed is someone to love her. It is different with her family because they cater to her brother, Chris. They do not supply the kind of love that April needs and I hope and pray that Adam is able to supply her with all the love that April has been deprived of throughout her whole life. She knows that I love her with all of my heart. She in a sense has been my backbone through the years. She has always been there to make me laugh and help me rationalize things when I am frustrated. So yes I am very protective of her. I can't imagine it any other way. And I hope that the same goes for her.

But enough of the sappy and emotional's too depressing. I had a good time at the wedding. I got to see Regina (my friend from high school who lives in Texas). Regina is still as funny as the day I met her. I am glad that we were able to get a picture together with April. We have dubbed ourselves "The Triple Threat." Oh the crazy shit we did when we were all just kids. Dancing in the highway, being bad at WalMart (which you can be), going to the adult video store, dancing at the clubs or any place that allowed us to dance, and working together. All that is in the past but damn how I like to think about it.

So, I guess the whole thing to this story is to always be there for your friends. No matter what. They are infact the backbone and strength to your life even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.


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