Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I found out last night that my grandfather is in the hospital. I am thinking that it would be from him being 1% away from having pneumonia but, that was not the case. He feel on Monday and busted his arm up really bad. The thing is is that you wouldn't expect someone to go into the hospital for this. However, he has really bad diabetes and they found that his kidneys are extremely dry which means that he is extremely dehydrated. So for some reason I do not see him making it out. This is how his brother started as he began his journey into the white light. My grandfather is 80 years old though so it is not like he hasn't lived a long while. But, hopefully I will be proven wrong and he will make a full recovery. But, with the current situation it doesn't look too good.


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