Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

In Bed

So you must forgive me for not writing for almost two months now. Things have been very bad lately. I have been in the a hospital bed...all by my lonesome. The doctors have determined that I have some disease where my body does not digest properly. Basically, my digestive system is not working. My food and water just sit there. When there is too much of either my system then has to get rid of it. This would equal throwing up...and throwing up...and a little bit more throwing up.

It had gotten to the point that I was so dehydrated that I could have passed on to the other side. My body became one solid muslce spasm (charlie horse) and my pulse was 150 bpm. Also, my blood pressure sky rocketed to 120/180. And, I almost passed out. After dealing with all of this I had to stay in the hospital and could not eat or drink (not even an ice chip) for four days. Oh but what fun it was. Yes I'm am offering up a big dose of sarcasm.

Now that I am out of the hospital I have been told that I have to go off of the narcotics I am on to help with my chronic back pain because this is contributing to my digestive system failing. Top that off with having to have nine viles of blood drawn today for a random drug toxicity test with my pain management clinic and you can see clearly that I have not been in the shape to be writing.

But, I am feeling better. I am a little nausceous today but other than that everything is fine. Work is going well. Life in general is treating me good. I am just hoping that I pass my drug toxicity test. If not I think I will be in a lot of trouble. I am just nervous that my body may have a build up of the narcotics because my system is not functioning like it should be.

Please pray that everything turns out okay. Hope everyone is doing well!!!


Blogger No Milk Please said...

being sick sucks. i hope you're feeling better...

10:07 AM  

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