Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sleeping Beauty

So as most of the universe knows I do not sleep much. In fact, I spend most of the day and night awake. However, last night I crashed. I got home from work at around 6:00 p.m. and by 6:20 p.m. I was fast asleep in my bed and did not get up until 6:45 a.m. this morning. Now there could be two explanations for me being tired. First, could be that I only slept about 2 hours the night before. Second, could be that I am not feeling well. And it was confirmed this morning that I am not feeling well. I have managed to pull every muscle in my chest from the annual Toilet Olympics. You know throwing up really isn't that bad when it is a normal type of throwing up. But, when you get into the "way deep down in my soul" type of it is not pleasant at all. It takes your breath away, you get tightness in your chest, pull muscles, start crying (but not on purpose it is from the pressure), get a runny nose. Basically, it is ten minutes of the flu but ten times worse. So, here I am at work and I have to say that I am still extremely tired but, I am feeling better.

Enough complaining already. I know I know.

Thanksgiving went well this year. We had way too much food. I am really hoping that for Christmas we have a different type of cuisine. I get tired of all the same things year after year. I think that we should have an Italian Christmas or Chinese Christmas. Something different and more enjoyable. Since I am getting older or aging...not that I am old by far...I really don't get excited about the holidays any more. When I was a child of course I used to be head over heels in love with the holidays. When I was 18-23 I really used to enjoy them. I enjoyed them even more because I was able to buy presents for everyone. And now, for the past couple of years it is just blah. I guess everyone goes through this. I am not sure. The holidays seem more like a hassel than anything. Who feels like cooking for two days, have the house torn apart by family, and then have to clean it all up on your own? Not I. But, I do enjoy the company and the conversations. This year was a little weird with my grandfather not being there. For those of you who don't know he died when I was going to rehab. I just miss him whistling like a bird or yelling at the kids to calm down. But, he was there in spirit.

When I went to my grandmother's house a couple of weeks ago talk about awkward. Whenever I used to walk into the house I was greated by the television blarring because my grandfather could half hear. Now going into the house it is silent. And when I say silent I mean you could hear a pin drop. And the sad thing is that the television I would hear would be on the second floor not the first. I kept looking in my grandfather's chair in the living room expecting to see him but he wasn't there. So that is where I sat for most of the visit and talked to my grandmother about him. You learn so much about a person when they are gone. It is like they existed while they were here on earth but when they leave their story just begins.

Hope everyone had a great holiday.


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