What dreams may come
Was a really crazy movie. But that's not what I'm here to talk about right now. Last night I had the craziest dream over and over again. So this dog is in this front yard. And it looks all scared and stuff. I'm in Baltimore by the way walking around my grandmother's neighborhood. So I go to pet the dog and realize that the front door to the house is open. So I go in and find the owner dead. So instead of being rational and calling 911 I take the dog home and adopt it as a pet. I leave the body to rot. But the best part about the dream is that I adopted a PURPLE POODLE. She was so cute. She wasn't a miniature or big poodle she was right in between. And we had the bestest time ever in the dream. She was like the perfect pet. I don't remember having to really take care of her. We just went shopping, to work, and chilled. Now that I think of it it almost sounds like a version of Legally Blonde. But anyway I'm convinced this is a sign that I need a poodle. So I have to bribe my parents into letting me have a poodle...and I want to dye her purple. Like a lavendar. And her name will be Smurfette.
But then when you think the maddess ends...
I had another reoccurring dream. This time it was April and I shopping (something tells me I have a serious addiction) at some shopping center or something. We both decide to get into the back seat of the jeep and two men get in the front seat. The one has a sawed off shot gun. We are taken hostage. I think this happened before we left the mall and that's why we got in the back seat first. So anyway, we are driving and driving and no one realizes that we are taken hostage. So these two criminals are talking to us and we are both like....yeah...no...excuse but we're hungry sir can we stop for some food. Well in the mean time a helicopter just happens to fly overhead and I wave it down. The criminals get ahold of what I'm doing and speed off...faster than the helicopter now mind you. So then the criminals start asking April and I all kinds of questions about sex, drugs, and what kind of clothes that we bought. April tells the two men that she is going to a ball and that she bought 3-4 ballgowns because she couldn't decide on which one she liked the best. They stop at a rest area and tell April to give them the dresses. So we are left in the jeep with the keys in the ignition while they are changing into dresses. So when we see them disappear into the bathroom we haul ass away and go to Baltimore to see my grandmother for some odd reason. We thought we should hide out in some place inconspicious incase they looked for us. And then we set off fireworks that night at my grandmother's house in celebration of alluding two dragqueen kidnappers. What the hell is wrong with me?
But then...
I have another dream with April and we go on vacation together. My parents sent us to this palace for vacation. It had a waterfall on the inside, marble floors, beautiful Venetian style walls. It was like walking into a fantasy world (no pun intended). But anyway, the whole dream April and I are constantly looking for each other because the hotel is so large. And when we finally find each other it is like a month later. We end up in our room that is all crushed red velvet. And when I mean all crushed red velvet....ceiling, floor, walls, toilet, sink...the whole 9. Anyway, April tells me this "I shall never be fat again." And I realize that we are models on tour in France for some Versace or Gucci show. And we looked hot. And then the dream was over.

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