Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, December 25, 2003

C-Day 2003

I was very happy to see my family today. Especially, my grandfather who has not been up to WV in over 3 years. I know this may be his last Christmas with us so I am grateful that it was at my house. I'm also grateful for the gifts that I received from each family member. I'm starting to think though that I don't want them to buy me or give me anything for Christmas since the other older cousins don't get anything. I know they give to their children and all and that I don't have any so I get but I really think it should just be about the children...i.e. Keith, Destiny, Peewee Al, Ethan, Phil Jr, Jonathan, David, and Dylan. Because the children are the ones that the holiday is all about. Not a 23 year old who has no significant other and no children. But lest the gives are very much appreciated. And Aunt Ganda since I know you read this page I really do love the book light. I tried to find batteries for it to use tonight but alas who every has AAA batteries. Damn.

What I am most grateful for was the following:

My family was in the livingroom. My grandfather was sitting in the kitchen alone because of the oxygen and everything. I came out of my room (oh I didn't mention I was sweating and running a high fever all day) and wondered why he was all alone. So I made some meatballs and sat down next to him. We talked about the weather, the food, what he was going to spend his Christmas money on. Just small talk. But it's something that I'll have in memory for the rest of my life. Just thought I would write it down for safe measure.

Hope everyone is warm and toasty tonight. I can't believe it's already over.


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