Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Cookie Monster

So in light of events that have taken place about 30 minutes ago I am feeling quite uninspired. I decided that I would make sugar cookies but that they needed a twist...a new taste...a dash of diva. So I found a quick and simple sugar cookie receipe. I baked the first batch as just plain sugar cookies. They tasted the old fashioned sugar cookies my grandmother makes. Where they are a little sugary but still have a sort of shortbread taste. Wonderful I thought. Now to add my twist and make them "my signature cookie." So I took butterscotch chips and almonds to them. There were 5 chips and an almond in the center. Introducing Butterscotch Almond a la Sugar Cookies. My father was the taste tester for these cookies. And as luck would have it he couldn't get enough of them until I told him he had to stop eating them because they were for the people at work. So I made the cookies. All 6 dozen. I thought to myself I really want to have the cut-out sugar cookies (i.e. Santa, bells, get it) so I made another batch of the dough. It turned out fabolous for making the shaped cookies. They were baked. Turned out great. So after all the cookies are cooled and I am sure that my new invention cookies will be a hit tomorrow I get a shower and relax for a while. So then I say to Mom and Dad that we have to try one of the cookies again to make sure that they are suitable for tomorrow. We all taste the cookies after they have "cooled," remember we had only tasted them warm out of the oven before. Well let me tell you something they were so soft and fluffy. Perfect texture and color. Brown tipped edges. However, and this is the outcome of 2 hours of baking...sugar cookies that taste wonderful when them are warm...but when they cool they taste like complete shit. They tasted like flour. I put in 2 1/2 cups of sugar. It only called for 1 cup. Where did the sweet, sugary taste that they had when they were warm go? Why do my sugar cookies always turn to shit? Why? So needless to say the second batch of cookies were tossed in the trash. The first batch I made are good but they don't taste like they did when the were warm. Here is the best description I can give of what they orginally tasted like:

Nutty due to the almond
Extremely sugary due to the overuse of sugar
A slight hint of butterscotch

Now they taste of all purpose flour. So needless to say I will be baking a different kind of cookie that I had orginally wanted to bake. They are called "Paper Thin Brown Edged Sugar Cookies." This is the receipe that my mother made years ago. She couldn't find the receipe for me so I decided to use the online receipe like she is a dud. So she somehow remembers the receipe after the fact of me baking 12 dozen cookies. These sugar cookies always turn out fabolous. These are the only sugar cookies that I can bake that turn out good. Why do I always try to use a new receipe that will never turn out? Huh? I should know better by now. Mom is helping me with these cookies because my back is hurting really bad from standing on the ceramic tile floor for 2 hours. Thank God she found her receipe. I am forever indebted.

I told her that if she didn't want to help bake them that she could go to the store and get the pre packaged ones but then I thought "That is cheating. Christmas cookies are supposed to be baked from the heart because that is one of the few things that still remains a Christmas tradition I will not cheat." So onto another 2 hours of baking. Please wish me luck.

And Jess, if you should ever visit my site again thanks for your comment about FAO Schwartz. I love that store and would hate to see it go out of business. Have you ever been there? And also if you have been there isn't the hall of magnents faboo? Thanks for visiting the site dear...I only have a few select people who read so it's nice to see others stopping by. Have a great holiday!!

Smooches people! I out for the rest of the day. I've written too much and baked too much. What I really need to do is smoke too much and passout. Oh but if I still did drugs...I found the bowl Manda R. made me when I worked at AB & is so cute. She told me I had to use it before I died and I will if I ever decided to get smoked up again. How I would love to have some of the hash crispy treats she made that one time at work.



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