Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, December 22, 2003

11pm and a question for you all...

I just finished watching something on Seabiscuit. The movie or documentary. It didn't say anything about the horse being dead so I asked my father the following questions:

Me/Paul: "Dad is Seabiscuit still alive?"

Dad: "No Paul he died in the 1940's."

Me/Paul: "Are you sure because I thought horses lived to be like 70 years old?"

Dad: "You are getting to be as bad as Jessica Simpson."

OH MY GOD! My dreams of being a ditsy blonde are coming to a reality. Now all I need is highlights (I refuse to bleach my entire head) and I'm like 3/4 the way there.

Was this really a dumb set of questions? Please be honest...

Oh and Faustus if you happen to read this entry who the hell wrote that comment about "homosexuality being this la la la...blah...bullshit?" I'm sure you don't know but damn if I wouldn't like to respond to that comment. I have a few past comments to that effect and it pisses me off everytime I see comment like that one others pages. I guess it's better to just not say anything because that is...(oh my god I really can't think of what to say...I sort of wanted to say that is the way to make them ever angier by not responding but then I wondered if the kill them with kindness sort of fits in?). Yeah I'm 3/4 the way there.


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