Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, December 05, 2003

If I knew you were ah cummin'

I'd a baked a cake. Instead I just baked eight dozen cookies. Why you ask? I have no idea. Four dozen double peanut butter cookies, and four dozen chocolate pecan cookies. Tomorrow is butterscotch cookies. I feel like Martha Stewart without all the "I did some inside cookie trading" ordeal. Anywho, I'm tired from all this baking so I'm going to watch Shrek. Hey I can't help it I'm still intouch with my inner child.

Hope everyone is cozy and toasty that is getting hit with this fucking snow! I had to call all over Ohio today to do updates for Summacare and the people were all types of chatty..."Is it snowing where you are?" "How much snow do you have?" "What color are your underwear and can I smell them." What the hell is up with people's personalities when it comes to's not like you can get high off of's not cocaine...

If it were I would have answered back "They are black Calvin Klein boxer briefs with a button fly. Are you cute and horny? If so, you can smell them."


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