Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, November 23, 2003

A nightmare waiting to happen

So as you all know I am a chickenshit when it comes to movies. I debated this afternoon if I was really prepared to see Gothika. April and I were down at the river with Darien so he could play for awhile. Well anyway, I wound up going to the movie this evening. Let me just tell you that I thought I was going to shit my pants. Oh but yes...I was scared by the Sixth Sense okay. The dead girl in this movie is totally going to visit me tonight I can tell and I'll have a heartattack and die. Remind me again why I subject myself to such torture? I think it's because I like dead people. After all, I've managed to communicate with several...if you know me you know about my friend Susan and the weird shit that happened with her mother. And then there is Bob. Enough said. Now I sound like a complete lunatic. Aside from that I've managed to eat a sausage patty and three tablespoons of macaroni and cheese. And for some odd reason I have cramps again. I think I've becoming the woman I always knew I could be. There is hope for me yet.

Night ya'll

P.S. And Manieka we so have to go see this movie this upcoming weekend and eat again at the Macaroni Grill. You get all the bread again. Oh and I bought (this is so surprising) the new Brittany Spears and Blink 182 CD's. I am totally a rockstar DJ.


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