Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Just when I think

I don't have enough blogs to read I've began another. Please welcome to the list of blog links (applause):


The link is added to the side. It's under The Traveling Spotlight.

Aside from adding the new link I haven't gone to work yet today. I can't tell if I'm really crying or if my eyes are just really watery. If my sinus' don't get into shape soon I'm going to remove them myself. One can only blow their nose so many times. I feel like I've been punished by for some awful thing I did when I was a child and now I've taken on the tissue responsiblity of 10 people. Shit. I bet you that when a movie star gets sick even that is glamorous. As for us common's quite revolting.


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