Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Skippy the Happy Chow

Shrimp Chow Fooon is my favorite Chinese food at the moment. However, it is hard to find around here. Luckily, I asked the woman at Lotus if they could make it for me. She asked "How you know about the chow foon." I told her that my ex-fiance got me hooked on it. I now have a place to order Shrimp Chow Foon from. I am the happiest of campers.

I am so get lonely again. Is it just me or do gay men prefer looks (which I am told I have) over personality? I mean yeah I weigh more than Rosie O'Donnell...just kidding. But I'm not ugly and from the right angle I think I look pretty hot. Anyway, my point is is that all I ever see are hot men hooking up. You know the eye candy guys. I'm like you sluts have you even talked to the person you are sucking face with? No I didn't think so. Someone out there in bloggie world has to find me a damn man. Please someone find me one. Just one that's all I want. He doesn't have to be god sent. I like nice teeth and a good personality. I'm getting so tired of trying to win Michael over that it is not even funny. However, he did tell Cheri that she needed to make sure that I was asked to go to D.C. this Saturday because he wanted to see me and wanted me there. Is it a sign? Probably not but damn it I want to kiss..kiss...kiss him so bad I think that if I'm tipsy this weekend I just might grab him and do it. Damn it I'm tired of being all submissive and shit when we go out. I'm going to get what I want.

Tricia: I got the ring back and took the fucking thing back. If I hadn't of gotten it back "OH MY GAA" would have it have been on.

Bill and Patrick: Since you both have an extensive collection of porn what would be your recommendation as a good one to purchase? I'm thinking I want to buy one. I'll just carry it in my messenger bag at all times is all.

Everyone else in the world: When can you find me a man?

P.S. Did I tell you all that I got my ears pierced? Well I did. They are healing still. And I'm thinking of getting another hole in each ear. Now that I know I'm not allergic to metals (cartilage reject 4 times) I'm turning into a freak. But I'm not getting anything aside from my ears and possibly me labre pierced. Tattoos and piercings...what next?


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