Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Vanishing....well sort of.

It has been quite a while since I have posted. I have been really busy. Between getting my emotions/sadness under control and work I have been quite busy. I have talked to Cheri and somehow I am the one who has to regain her trust. She said that what I wrote in the email to her broke her trust. What the fuck ever. I was mad she knows this and I told her that I was venting in the email. She said that I have to earn her trust again. Please I should be the one earning the trust back. Hello the ring being bought...she let me buy it without telling me all of this. So a friendship is still there I just don't see us ever being as close as before.

I really need a boyfriend. To hell with a girlfriend. I'm done with women. And I know that a boyfriend would make me so much more happy because boy here. Yeah I fell for a girl but what I really need is to fall for a boy...not that I don't fall for many many's just that they are taken or eye candy.

Anyway, I just got back from Virginia. Bought tons of stuff with the grand my father gave me to mend the broken heart. I will so have to take pictures of my room. I have totally redone it. New comforter, new flower arrangements, a cute baket/trashbin. Oh it is just tooooooo much. I'm in love with my room all over again.

Anyway, if you know a cute guy that you think I would or could possibly have a relationship with please feel free to let me know. After all there aren't many men in WV that bat for my side. Or have a killer decorating knack that can keep up with me. I am so going to Cleveland to take Patrick up on that drink.


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