Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, April 02, 2004


So Cheri's ex-boyfriend R called Cheri today to inform her that I am just playing her. He said that I have so many skeletons in my closet that I need to tell Cheri and that I am just using her to cover up for me being "a faggot." Also to inform her that he better never see me or that "will be it." Let me explain that R is Angel's (one of my close friends) brother. He said that both Cheri and I can come see the kids however, I can only see them when he is not around. I am asking myself "WHAT THE FUCK?" I mean I know that it is making him jealous that I have Cheri's love and he doesn't but damn man. Anyway, R is going to try to call here tonight to talk to me. It's whatever. He told Cheri that I am a very smart manipulator and that I am a puppet master that controlled him for a while when it came to Cheri. Now his strings have been cut. Does this boy sound psycho or what?

God my life is wonderful...I just love how people that I don't even know but on a "Hello there, how are you basis?" suddenly have so much to say about my life and want to become so involved. I think I'll need a personal organizer for all the meetings I'll be having. As of now it is R and Keith (another ex). I'm going to be so will I ever help plan the wedding?

Blog buddies I need suggestions...have at it.


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