Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, April 19, 2004

Trust me...I would never ever be a bad influence

Saturday night Michael, Cheri and I went to Deer Park to celebrate Cheri's 23rd birthday. Usually, it is a boring time of just listening to god awful techno music for about 4 hours and drinking. This weekend proved to be different. We had a blast. Well I mean it was a little bit my fault but that's besides the point. I thought "Hey it is time to celebrate." So I decided that everyone I was with needed to be tipsy. I bought Cheri 4 Fuzzy Navels in about an hour time span. I bought Michael 5 Long Island Iced Teas in about an hour. I myself had 5 Long Islands, 3 Fuzzy Navels, and two shots of Absolut. Let us just say that no one was feeling any pain. So we are all having a great time dancing, talking, laughing. I decide to go out to the car and call Rafael/Ralphy. Plus I needed time to get sober before driving. Now mind you I did not have more than a buzz. I'm a pro and it would have taken about 8 or 9 more drinks to get me drunk. So I buzz dialed Ralphy. We talked for about an hour until Michael comes stumbling out of the club. I had to help him to the car. Cheri comes stumbling out of the club and gets in the car. We head home. Michael stayed the night at my house and my mother took Cheri home because I had a hella headache after sobering up. I blame myself for Michael getting sick. We had stopped at Sheetz before going home and Michael puked for around and hour and fifteen minutes while Cheri and I talked to Wagner and Matt. Anywho, I didn't know Michael was such a light weight. Really I didn't. But he is feeling better today. I helped take care of him on Sunday morning and afternoon to try to get him to feel better. But trust me I didn't mean it.

So here is a picture of Michael and I must say it is so the best one I have of him yet. You can see how wonderful he is:

He passed out in my hallway the next day because he couldn't make it back to my bed. So I left him there until he woke up because I figure he was close to the bathroom and he looked so peaceful sleeping there. That is why I have named him "Drunken Napkins Hidden Cutie."

By the way did I mention that I'm in love with Ralphy's voice. He has such a sexy little voice. I wish you all could hear it. But I will keep it for myself. Having Rafael as my friend is beyond wonderful if I haven't said so lately. Oh and here is a new link my people to Christian's journal. He is Rafael's friend who lives in NYC. He is 22 and takes care of his nephew. I wonder how long he has had him? I'll have to ask. But I'd like to get to know him from his journal first and then ask questions. He also is a performer. I hope he doesn't mind but Rafael sent me a song he sung and it was absolutely making me cry. It is called "We Belong." Yes I cried. He has an awesome singing voice too. Might I mention to that I have seen a picture of this guy and he is on fy-yah!! So here is the link to Christian's Page.

And here is my third journal: LalaPaullooza. I am sure this one will be a little more uninhibited. By the way the page is totally ugly. I'm working on formatting and stuff. Plus I have to join to create my own style...and style my people I have.

And here is another nifty thrifty page of another HOT GUY...No Milk

I'm off to catch some zzzz's considering I haven't had many and I actually feel tired. So I'm going to take advantage of not being ready to party but ready to crash for the evening. Oh and it is totally 93 degrees in the WV today. I'm am elated.


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