Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Fuck the pepper...pass me the EPT

I feel like I'm either pregnant or on the rag. I am emotional one second and a bitch the next. Does our brain tell us to go through all of this? If it does I wish that it would just set itself on one emotion a day. I am so impatient today that it is driving me crazy. I am becoming more impatient with not having a special someone in my life. I think I'm going to hire a boyfriend in the meantime. Yeah, I am not that desperate.

Anyway, I watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (new edition) last night. It was okay. You see I'm not that much on horror movies because when I watch them I tend to not want to sleep. I already have enough problems sleeping and enough issues with the dark so there you go. But I didn't even move last night. I haven't had a full night's sleep in about 4 months. I took 5 Tylenol PM's and bam knocked out. I can't do that again. Taking all the stuff is so not good for your kidneys. But tonight I'm gonna just because I want to sleep so badly. Back the the subject I didn't even dream about LeatherHead or whatever they call him. He was ugly...ugly terrifies me but for some reason no nightmare. LeatherHead is my newest best horror movie friend. We are doing lunch next week.

I highlighted my hair last night. It looks wonderful. Or as Cheri would say "fantabulous." I really think God built me wrong. I think I was supposed to have brown hair with blonde highlights when I was put together but on that day the beauty shop was all out of that style wig-for-life. So I must chemically torment my hair and make it how I see fit. After all I am in control of my destiny. And destiny just happens to like me with blonde highlights.

Well kids I smell chinese food so something must be brewing. So consider me off like a prom dress.

P.S. And no I have never worn a dress to a prom. Only for Halloween. LOL.


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