Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Bust a nut

Yesterday a co-worker made the remark that the truth about me(Paul) is that I don't do any work while I'm at work. I will not mention her name. We shall call her Tellitub because she resembles a Tellytubby. So the smart ass remark was left alone and I tried to move on. This morning at work I made the decision to bust my balls from here on out and show her who the fuck she is messing with. Now honestly I work. I just take my time. This way there isn't as much stress and I enjoy my time at work. Somedays I slack off because you get tired of doing the same thing everyday. Insurance Fraud is not all it is cracked up to be....believe me. So to add salt to the wound she says today.

Tellitub: I don't know how you keep your idle time down so low when you don't do anything?
Me: Well considering that I've called 114 people so far I can't see why my idle time would be high? I'm working.
Tellitub: Sure you are. I know you are dialing disconnected numbers and staying on the line.
Me: Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing. That's why I've spoke to around 40 members today.
Tellitub: Well it is good that you have it low because you don't work after lunch anyway.
Me: "I said and did absolutely nothing."

Idle time: Based on 7 hours and 30 minutes. You need to be a 65% or lower. It is based off of how long you have been on the phone to how long the shift is. So if you work 3 hrs to have a 50% idle time you would have to make enough phone calls to equal 1 hr 30minutes of talk time.

Contacting members: Making contact and doing updates with insured's to see if there is any possible fraud on the account.

Now that you have had your lesson in vocabulary today let's move on.

So I had made the vow this morning to bust my ass and I did. I will continue to do so. Here is the good part.

My supervisor Jerry walks over to me and says "You have been on fire today. You are doing better than anyone on the team." And guess what Tellitub just happened to be standing by my cubicle. Pissed off and red faced she stormed back to her cubicle. She says she doesn't understand how I am a level 25 and she is only a level 22. Guess what bitch because I came in as the shit and I'm getting the title back.

So if one more thing is said to me I'm taking it to the manager. I don't feel I'm in the wrong because I don't disrespect her and worry about her performance so why should she do that to me. She is only 19 and is the crankiest and moody girl I have ever met. No wonder the doctor put her on Prozac. I think he should throw in a couple of valium too. But them I might ask her for one. LOL.

Anywho, that is what my day has consisted of. A bitch bitching about me and me working to the point of busting a nut.

But I did go shopping on lunch and bought three small flower arrangements for my cubilce, two candle holders, and a wooden carving of a mouse sitting on top of a Ritz cheese cracker box. (I collect mice). So yeah work was good but the shopping deals were even better. 50% off everything I bought.

But enough babbling I've got to take my movies back. I rented LeatherHead and Cheaper by the Dozen. To be perfectly honest with you CBTD as good but I only wanted to rent it to see Tom Welling and to see if he would take his shirt off. I was disappointed because he only took it off with his back turned to the camera. *tears*



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