Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The End of an Era

Well my friendship with the person I wrote about the other day titled "Mental Note" is officially over. I never thought that it would come to this but, it must be meant to be or else it would not have happened. I can tell you that I am extremely bummed out about it. All I wanted was for this person to see my point of view on some things. I know now that the gift was purchased with gift certificates. I did not know all of the details and I apologized for not knowing all the details but, I know that the apology would not be enough and that the fact that I wrote my feelings down would be an issue from now until eternity. So, I wish this person all the best and maybe down the road we will be able to mend our friendship and maybe not. As for bashing you on the internet I did not write any private information. I wrote about my feelings regarding the situation.


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