Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, November 28, 2002

So I am totally on a roll! Here we go with an ode to someone else:

Ode To Tricia

You have an address that is named wee wee dog
Could you cut a heart out of fog?
You like to laugh oh yes you do
Don't piss on the bedsheets that's a boo boo.
You like Baby G she is the bomb
I'll make her a website at
You are a rocktress oh yes you are
Come on girl fuck work lets hit the bar.
You have a really nifty tattoo on your back
Watch out when aliens attack.
You tried to decorate your cpu as a cow
Here comes systems watch out now!
You have a really funny laugh
Pew...give beef jerky a bath!
You have been quite a good lead
You deserve a noble steed.
One plus two plus three plus four
You're leaving with me out the front door!

Tah-dah again!



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