Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Today was a good day....

After finding out that someone I sort of knew overdosed on OC's it made me realize even more how stupid I was. I'm so glad that I'm growing mentally and starting to appreciate myself more.

I want to send a special thanks to two people:

Manieka: I thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I know that you were probably shocked to read some of the stuff I've been up to but I know I will win this battle. You still sound as beautiful as ever on the phone. I can't wait to see you on Friday. You are the one person that I've always wanted to keep in touch with even if it is every couple of years because you were always the person that could brighten my day. Plus your easy on the eyes. My father thinks you are one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen and I'd have to agree. See I'm blushing telling you this. But seriously you comment truly meant a lot to me to know that you still acknowledge me as a friend as I have always done with you. But I'm still jealous you got to tour Europe without me. It's my dream. Hawaii was wonderful but Paris and the other countries I'm dying to explore the architecture. See you Friday afternoon.

Tricia: Again I deserve to give you a big kiss and hug for being so non-biast. You truly understand me more than anyone else I know besides April. It's almost like you knew I needed help and you are always there for me even if it is just through your funny comments on my page. Words really can't expres what a God sent you are to me for being so open minded. When you quoted "Be who you are because there is no point in living if you can't be yourself" was one of the first things that started me on the path to wanting to make myself realize I have an addiction. So again thanks and telll Cameron I said hello even though he won't remember me. It's funny now that I think of it because you are such a great person I wish that Dan could have seen you for the amazing woman that you truly are. But I'm sure he is watching over you and appreciative in his own way of what a wonderful person you are.

So there are my shout outs to two of my wonderful and supportive friends.

Mom is so open minded to the fact that I could be bisexual even though I don't want to classify myself. She told me that she will love me for who I am no matter what. Even though she doesn't agree with men being with other men she said that I can't help who I am and I have to be me to be happy or there's no reason to enjoy life. So she is on the same wave length as Tricia. I really just need a companion that I can really spend time with and just talk and talk and talk. I'm good at that. April you are my number one supporter and I know you always will be so don't think that I'm brushing you aside. I would hope you know how much I love you and I hope the feeling is mutual. Ewww incest...since we consider each other brother and sister. You know I would do anything for you for a klondike bar....just joking.

Well enough blabbing...I'm getting tired and looking forward to tomorrow and going to dinner and a movie with Manieka.

Good night...and I thank God for giving me such a positive day and a chance to reform myself.

Now if I could only look like a super model I'd be set!! But that will come in time.


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