Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Teach me that again...

Last night was a total bust. Ugh. Aside from reading Tale of the Body Thief I had nothing better to do. Ann Rice gets on my nerves now. She totally had Lestat wanting to screw some guy named David. Who I might add wanted to screw Lestat. Then he said..."Oh I can't I just can't." Please! I was all like just fuck and get it over with so Lestat can move on and I can stop reading about David wanting him but not wanting him. I would love to take a hit of acid and read some Ann Rice though because I think it would be pretty interesting the things you would see. Not that I would ever do acid again. But more importantly, I've decided that April, Frank, and I need to take syncranized swimming lessons that incorporates belly dancing and rap. So if anyone has a recommendation for a teacher with these powers please feel free to comment.

Sometimes I think people read my mind. Or maybe it's just the Ann Rice thing getting to me. But Cyn wrote yesterday about stuff that totally makes sense to me today. It's like my thoughts were transplanted on her page. Except I have met to many hookers to want to snort something off of their stomach. Also, the radio is psyhic too. I will be thinking of a song and it will come on like within 10-15 seconds. It's weird.

Thought of the day: For a person as sane as me I sure do come up with some strange shit.


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