Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Color me envy...

So what is it with old women and lime green? I mean they are a death's grip anyhow but why let in on the secret. Today coming home from April's work and I saw this woman wearing a lime green polyester suit. Hello it makes your skin look like it is already decaying. She sort of had this olive/hunter green look. Dying is one thing but looking dead is a crime.

When I'm all alone...

I still hear laughter. Isn't that a weird situation? I'm so entertaining that I laugh at myself. Some people are born to be politicians, singers, lawyers and hookers...but I, I am born to be a SUPERSTAR! (And yes I will do the pose). There is nothing more entertaining then when you can entertain yourself. It's so much cheaper than the movies. All you need is your ears and voice and of course an open mind. Yay for me for being stupendious.

A new store has opened...

As April and I were on the way to the store she informed me that we could go to Wong Mart. I just love it when new stores open for me to shop at. And I love it when people mispronounce I so often do. But the best part is that Wong Mart sells Chinese people figures. I can't wait...I've been dying to start a "Miniature Chinese People Collection" for a long time now.


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