Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, October 04, 2003


It must be noted that the world is full of crackheads. Take for instance KK at work. I thought well her husband is in the military and she is really nice and motherly. Well guess what she is an undercover crackhead(not really she just smokes up). But I couldn't believe it when she told me that she smoked a bowl to go to sleep Thursday night. See there are just some things that you don't share with fellow employees...and that is one of them. And even Cheryl is a undercover crackhead. KK told me to ask Cheryl about smokin' up and beer bongs. I know that this story will be interesting.

I feel like shit today. Other than sleeping for like 15 hrs last night I did nothing. Tonight I have to do something though. I don't care if I have to stuff tissues up my nose just to go to WalMart I shall do something. So anyway, I getting off here. Susie W is stopping by so I can make up her advertisement for the Olde Town Christmas thing I do every year.


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