Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, November 21, 2003

Liz Phair so rocks my world

Who else could sing about "Hot White Cum" and make it sound like a beauty product?

Give it to me, don't give it away
Don't think about what the others say
My skins getting clear, my hairs so bright
All you do is fuck me every day and night

You're my secret beauty routine
Na, na, na, na, what my body has seen
I am lookin' good and I'm feeling nice
Baby you're the best magazine advice

Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum

I'm gonna pull you back down between the sheets
Everything is fresher when the day is sweet
In the morning light when you're already on the phone

Face it, one of these days
Without you I'm just another Dorian Gray
It's the fountain of youth
It's the meaning of life
So hot, so sweet, so wet my appetite

Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum

Face it, one of these days
Without you I'm just another Dorian Gray
It's the fountain of youth
It's the meaning of life
Baby you're the best magazine advice

Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Gimme your hot white cum
Your hot white cum

Oh yeah baby I want to market it. And just think it doesn't take much to get it. April we have a new mission and that is to rob the nearest sperm bank. Yes we too shall become millionaires. I wonder if robbing a sperm bank is a crime? I mean it can all be replaced in a matter of a couple days right? Right. And to think of all that times I didn't save what Liz Phair considers a beauty product. Damn me to hell.

I love that fact that I can check my email when I go to work. Aside from that I spend all day reading blogs, checking my horoscope, keeping up on the news. The extra $15 a month is not a factor any longer. I use my fair share of the internet away from home. I was receiving mad emails today. Everytime I would check it I would have at least 7 emails. I felt for once to be "in demand."

And Patrick, thank you for the kind words left under this morning's entry. I am going to wash my blankets so they can be all warm from the dryer. But I'm feeling better. However, the cover idea is just too tempting considering it is cold out now. And the comment you left on Faustus' page you must remember that you have to take care of yourself sometimes. In the words of my best friend April "it is either feast or famine." So when a drought hits gratifying oneself is the best way to at least curve the illusive "frustration." I really need to stop talking about this because now I'm getting bad bad thoughts. And I don't need to get any more frustrated than I already am. I need to be alone now. But I'll keep you in my thoughts for a feast just remember to do the same in return.

Tricia we so need to have a sex toy party so I can at least dream a little dream. And when are we going out together. You have to go to H2O with me. Being the crazy woman you are maybe you can get me a date. And I'll bring them to the party. Your water must be toxic. Shit.

I want to start a colliation. Yes...really. However, it deals with public restrooms. The Colliation for Proper Use of Public Facilities. I hate public bathrooms and today just reinforced my reasoning behind this. It's the end of the day and I figure it would be safe to take a piss because there couldn't possibly be anyone in there. Wrong! Three people in a row taking the big flush. I thought my nose was going to permanently detach itself and runaway from the smell of shit and sour milk. And aside from the fumes that made me want to curl in the fetal position and die the sounds echoing from the stalls almost deafened me. How can you possibly shit louder than the toilet flushing? How? What did you eat for lunch? Don't do it again. So this weekend I'm buying air freshner and putting in the bathroom with the following note attached to each bottle:

"If you sit and take a shit, please be nice and spray me twice."

I'll have to do this when no one is in there of course. But I'm afraid to enter again. I might now make it out this time. I can only hold my breathe for so long. And the fact that you have to inhale through your mouth so you don't smell anything is the worst thought ever. But enough about shit.

Today some Spanish people were playing music and I was on break with Kim. We managed to flamingo dance. And I must say it was quite nice. If only Britney could see the potential I have as a dancer...she would die. Dancing doesn't come to everyone but to me it's a talent.

And I've got a new's not a's My Poetry Corner. I put a link in on the page to. I'm a pathetic and boring individual. God I hope I don't die alone with 50 cats at my side.

Well I've babble enough. It's time to go "Perculator" some coffee. Oh and last I had a Starbucks Mocha Frappacino today and it was complete ecstacy.


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