Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Swiftly did not come soon enough

Per the entry below you can see that I wanted with everything that I am for this day to be over swiftly. Well no one answered the prayer. Why did I even bother? Excuse me for thinking a miracle could happen. It must be the brat in me that thought TinkerBell would come to my rescue but alas, the little green whore didn't. Damn her and Peter too!

How long has it been now? Um let me see? I think around 5 or 6 months and my D&G sandals still are on backorder. I have a feeling that I shall never get them. I could resist wearing them until the spring or summer. However, if it should happen to get warm out again, which I'm seriously doubting due to the current weather situation I would then infact, wear them. They are so me and I know I would love them if only I had the chance. If I had the picture I would put them on the blog but I've misplaced the address. See TinkerBell you have fucked up royally this time now you will perish. Whore.

Today at work I managed to cut, file, and buff my nails. This is a weekly ritual of course. Now my nails are beautiful and all shiny without all that clear polish mess. I am proud of them. Though I could never be a hand model I'd like to think there is still hope in the eye model department. Mess this dream up TinkerBell and I'll definetly have to cut you. You mini-gerkin.

I've surprised myself lately with my journal entries. They are becoming more and more organized and to the point. Maybe it was the drugs I don't know but my head is a lot clearer these days. Again big yay me.

So...I thought that I could not possibly become more addicted to blogs than I already am but I learning daily as I check the blogs from my phone that I've caught the blog bug. The daily ritual is that I wake up, check the blogs I read, get ready for work, work, come home and check the blogs, and then watch tv or read, and then you guessed it...check em' again. But when you have reading material such as Faustus' blog, Search for Love how can you possibly resist. And Angelo's blog The Pennylane Journals has me rolling. If only he would post more.

Well besides everything else going on in the world like Michael Jackson having Neverland raided by the FBI again I read at FoxNews the results of Aaliyah's autopsy. I have to say that I'd rather the information never have been published because whoever wrote the opening line isn't very empathetic. I will keep the thought that she died on impact and did not suffer and that's how it will be. I think and autopsy should be kept private. Yes I did read it but it was there so what was I to do? In the words of Cher "if I could turn back time" I would have skipped the information.

Well it's time for a shower and movie since I left Tale of the Body Thief at work. I think tonight calls for Too Wong Foo or something lighthearted and full of queens.

Here are some things to read before bed...

By the way this one is actual giftwrap you can purchase online:


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