Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Yeah whatevah...

My parents got a new car today. Anyone car to take a stab at what they are driving now? Hmm...could it be the car they told me I didn't need? Why fuck yeah. It's the Mercedes I've beening wanting now for a year. But the good news is that my father is taking my Jeep to trade it in this week. As long as the payment doesn't exceed $575 a month I'm cool with it. That is a lot of money for a car but I really love it. I want mine in black. Their's is silver. Please please let this go through for me...I won't ask for anything for Christmas I promise. Nothing except the ring my parents ordered for me. That is all just a ring and a new Benz. Is that too much to ask for?

I've decided that if my career as a bellydancer doesn't pay off that I could become an erotic poet. I have tons of little dirty thoughts built up in this mind. My new poem "Whisper" is quite dirty. While the language used doesn't seem must more than me babbling it deals a lot with having sex and the whole process. I am very proud of it. Make sure you check it out and tell me what you think. My Poetry Corner

Well I rented "The Gift" with Katie Holmes tonight so I'm going to watch it and try to get some rest because my damn back is hurting for sitting out by the bonfire tonight. Oh and Brittany's new CD is bangin. The song Toxic and Breathe on Me makes me want to do naughty things to people that are "hard up and horny." You know who you are.

Night ya'll


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