Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


When I'm all alone I think dirty thoughts and touch myself! bad bad white boy. It's amazing to me how self gratification can be so rewarding. It's like I have no one to answer to but myself. And if something should come up and I have an STD at least I know I got it from myself...right? Right! Anyway, work went way good today. I was so impressed with myself that I said allowed "I can't believe how happy I make me." I've come to realize that I am extemely vain and I do think that song is about me. But there is nothing wrong with having high respect for oneself. Now if I start talking in third person then maybe there is a problem.

When life hands you a lemon you trade it in on another car from the dealership. My parents new 2004 Solara is so not working right now. Everytime the dealership fixes the front end alignment or say they have it doesn't work. My mother is going all crazy over the Lemon Law. So I've been researching that on top of other things. The Lemon Law is quite interesting though I must admit. I read several pages of it so far. Okay...did I just admit that outloud and on paper because if so deem me the "dork" of the day. Well I'm off to get some dinner since I had to fix it because my mother had to go pick my father up from the dealership tonight. God I sound like a whiney teenager and I'm 23. I seriously need to take up not mentioning my parents soo much because it might seem that I depend on them and I don't want people to ever get that impression! Agh! Those of you who know me keep your comments to yourself!! I mean it.


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