Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, December 18, 2003

El Doctoro

Went to see my doctor today. Found out I do have a serious sinus infection. I thought this morning that I was going to pop my eyeballs out from the bathroom/toilet activity I had going on this was vomiting....I didn't want to say it but then it sounded like I was masturbating while having diaherrea. Anywho, the doctor said it's a good thing that I came to see him because it started to move to my lungs...and we all know what that means...pneumonia. So he gave me some antibiotics and some vicodine tussin (oh hell yeah baby). So I'm set for the duration of a snowy weekend. Yes for those of you in hotter climates this will mark the 5th snow of December.

And please don't think that I was depressed when I wrote all the stuff yesterday because I'm not. I just had to write what I was thinking about because if I didn't it would have bothered me all night thinking about how to get it out of my head. I'm doing great. I'm not transferring departments...I just can't. Even though it would be better for my job qualifications and what not I just can't leave Cheryl. I'm not basing it on her feelings about me leaving I'm actually realizing that I look forward to going in each day to see Cheryl and Kim. They make my day so great and enjoyable that I don't want to give that up and be in a padded cell answering doctor's insurance questions all day. Plus I've heard that the doctor's offices get quite rude (cussing and the such) and you can't cuss back. Fuck that!

Anyway, those of you that know my father know that he never cusses or claims to. I've only heard him twice in my 23 years. So we were driving and this guy cut in front of me and almost made me wreck. I'm so glad I have a button to turn cussing on and off. I yelled "You stupid jerk." What was supressed from coming out was "You fucking asshole learn how to fucking yield motherfucker," as I gave him the finger. And I wanted to do it so bad but Dad was in the car. So after we stopped for dinner and my father left with my mother who followed us home I was driving home by myself with them following from Frederick to home. Anyway, I pull up at a stop sign let the person go and low and behold another work van hauls ass at the same time almost causing me to collide with him. One fucking car at a time asshole. Needless to say my wish was granted and I got to do the whole "You fucking asshole learn how to use a fucking stop sign you fucking bastard," as the middle finger went up. The only bad part is my father probably saw the finger go up. I'm waiting for them to get back from the store to know. But even if he saw me when I was singing on the way to the doctors I made sure to sing all the cuss words. I don't even know if he noticed that but oh well I'm old enough to make that decision. But in a way I wish I had his tolerance for not cussing...

But then what the fuck would I say all day?


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