Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

We Got The Beat

Among other things I have found that I love The Go-Go's more than most people do. I listen to them to and from work and whenever else in between. I am declaring myself a total fag. April, you must learn to appreciate will love them.

Has it come to anyone's attention that I need a fucking snuggle buddy? Huh? Has it? I'm at a loss. Even my huge Bedtime Carebear is just not filling that void any longer. Yada...yada..yada. Case in point some needs to snuggle me damn it.

Today at work I managed to do absolutely nothing except for take one of Cheryl's snowmen hostage. She decided she was leaving early and I told her that if she did one of her prized handcrafted snowmen would be taken. She left. In return, Fifi the French whore snowlady was taken hostage and a ransom note was put in her place. She is hidden...ya...ha...ha. Cheryl will have to pay the ransom to get her back...a Mocha Frappacino.

Tomorrow evening I will be wrapping Cheryl's Christmas presents because she hates to do it. In return we will have dinner and watch the BirdCage while we have Wrapping War 2003. It will be most enjoyable. "Oh the precious...I love the precious," and she will remain missing until a later date.

Angelo...hmm...why have you not been writing for the like 7th day in a row? We seriously need to talk about this. I'm having withdrawls Angelo of the one liners that rock my day. I know you have finals and everything but at least blog something.

Well everyone I'm off to watch "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen," however, the vampire is a woman so I don't get the title yet. And knit somemore of my scarf and eat. You all have a splendid evening.


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