Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, January 22, 2004


So my mother and I are looking into the advice given by Bill and Patrick about PFLAG. I read most of the site yesterday. The closest chapter is in Baltimore. And though it may seem like I'm condemning myself for my lifestyle I'm not. The burning in the hell part is just saying if that's what people think will happen to me then I'll do it to live the way I want. I'm very proud of who I am. I denied myself the luxury of me for so long I forgot what it was like to be me so I'm living everyday to its fullest and without regret.

It amazes me so much that people that I have never met take the time to read my blog and offer their advice. I am truly blessed and greatful for the people that have entered into my life. Without them I think that this ordeal would be so much that more harder to deal with. I can't express enough to Patrick, Bill, Tricia, Samantha, Barb, Joyce, Aunt Ganda, and everyone else that has been there to support me how much I appreciate the love and support they are showing me. I know that many people who know me knew before I admitted it that I was the person I truly am and I thank them for never presurring me to "come out." I've come to realize that the people around me both in real life and online are my support and that if I just open up myself to the possibilities of listening and sharing myself with them that my life will become easier each day. While I'm sure that there will be more obstacles in the future I know that if I keep my online and "in person" friends that I will be able to be victorious over these events when they come. So from the bottom of my heart to all of you and you all know who you are I am truly honored that you take the time to support me and continually show your love even if we have never met. To all of you I wish the best in life because you deserve it for being so wonderful to a person that many of you have never met...if I had the money I'd take care of each of you for the rest of your life. Pray that I hit the lottery...and it will be done.

Here is another pic of's her debut mugshot:


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