Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, January 12, 2004

For the love of meat...not that kind...the animal kind...dirty bastards

What is it with people not thinking that chicken and pork is not in the category of "meat." The other white? And why do so many individuals thinks that eggs are not animals? Hello can we say chicken abortion! That's what I thought. I'm doing quite well with the "giving up on the meat" thing. I'm back to my old ways when I was a veggie-tarian. I don't even crave it. The whole "giving up the soda" thing has only caught me yearning/lusting for a Pepsi yesterday. But I was victorious and resisted. Blah...blah...blah...I'm going to be so fucking hot my summer I'll need a air conditioner shoved up my ass to keep the sizzle down. So far 27 lbs. lost. Whooo hooo...go me!

At work today I busted ass to get shit done. It has been a long time since I've actually "worked" or "been productive" at work. I mean what is the whole point of going to work if you are going to "work?" There is none. I prefer to talk, file/buff my nails, listen to music and pray that tomorrow I am still employeed. I should be my own business would be great and fresh.

It is cold outside around the teens or something. I think I may have become allergic to the therometer. When it gets lower than 60 I start to cough and wish I were dead. I cannot wait until spring. I'm planning on inventing the world's first "heater" to further global warming so that at least stepping outside can be for a moment enjoyable not torture.

Night ya'll


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