Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

You make me want to...

Fucking scream at the top of my lungs. Who could this person be? Hmmm. My supervisor J. Jesus Christ man give spying on people a break. Everytime you are doing something crazy (i.e. the cabbage-patch, the running man, the roger rabbit, droppin it to the floor) there his ass is. But if you need to see him to have him do something for you he is MIA. And aside from him being grotesquely Peppy Lepewish (black hair, grey line running down the middle...serious here) he has the humor of a bundt cake. Although a bundt cake tastes good. I really need to form my plan for world domination now...or it will never do anything to help humanity of people so colorless as him. Ugh.

I have officially become a veggie-tarian again. No animal in this body. I have done very well today. I had my Snapple tea this morning and water the rest of the day. A rice cripsy treat, a garden salad, and some brocolli and cheddar soup. Yay me. See I'm planning on get my "rock hard body" on by this spring. So I'm finally fed up with being Mr. McPlumpy. Last time I was a vegetarian I lost 25 lbs in a month. Hopefully history has learned to repeat itself in this instance.

Once again the fingernails are long again. Have I cut them....NO! But I did file and buff them today at work. I'm the cliche of the "California Receptionist." Thinking about getting a new tattoo Friday. I took the day off so I'm calling to make an appointment tomorrow. I'm thinking I may have the eye of Horus put on the right foot. Haven't decided yet. Picture will come if the tattoo occurs.

Well I'm off to relax for awhile. Tomorrow I'm buying Underworld because I can and because that movie makes vampires sexier than...

You in a hot nighty covered in chocolate...and yes I mean all of you!


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