Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Be Nice...Okay...Not Going To Happen

The first issue that I have to cover is that of Brewser. I had to take him back to the breeder last night. He tried to bite my mother three times. I am sure that it was nothing personal and just him testing his limits but, it is odd for a puppy to be that aggressive. We also found out that Jack Russell's are known for killing other small pets, i.e., Mia Mu. She is two pounds and not going to get any larger so that is a risk I am not willing to take. However, the weekend with him was awesome and I really hope that he finds a good home. I cried like a little girl. But, today is better.

The next issue to be discussed is that of Cheri's half sister Sharon. Cheri brought over her step-sister and half sister yesterday to see the puppy. Well when they were leaving Sharon was walking toward the door to leave. She is six years old by the way. I don't know if she wasn't looking or what but she ran smack dab right into the glass storm door. Bang! And then stumbled backwards. Now, generally speaking it is not nice to laugh at a child when they injure themself. But, I am sorry that shit was hilarious. How do you not see a closed door? Granted it is all glass but it does have a handle and a frame. I blame it on my mother's obsession with windex. Child + walking + glass door = cackling!! If I could send these images to you telepathically I certainly would with an evil MWAH HA HA attached at the end.

God love moments like these!


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