Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Reservation for One

To quote one of my favorite movies...if not my favorite "I have found it I am in hell." Spoken by Quoizer in Steel Magnolias.

I have been working on filing for the past couple of workdays. I could not find the "file burning" ball gown of my dreams so I 86ed that idea. Well, it had gotten to the point that every last invoice was filed from the past week.... okay three weeks and I was in heaven. Now, I am given about four weeks of invoice confirmation. Is it just me or does someone out there not find me that funny? Or did those schemin' file trolls plan this? They can barely pull themselves out of their caves without scaring our customers so I am guessing I'm not liked. So now I have to go back to all of the invoices that I so willingly and without contempt filed as of yesterday and attach the confirmations. Now it would not be so bad if I didn’t have to use that metal thing that has projectile clamps that love to bite me. This one time I managed to close my finger in a stapler two times in one day and it has damaged my outlook on the whole process. It is a two-step process just for attaching the confirmations. Find the correct invoice and staple it. Which the whole hot mess is just three easy steps to filing perfection but it is one that I loathe. You try being eaten by a stapler…a very low quality stapler at that and see if you don’t feel my angst.
But the whole point is that I think Satan has reserved the third ring of hell for us Administrative Gays who hate filing. Well Satan this bitch is taking a stand. I’m using paperclips.


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