Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Not to sound trite

But, I put the blo in blonde. Not that I have blonde hair at the moment but that is besides the purpose.

So, I am reading a message from Meghan today and it has the phrase "ends meet" in it. I correct her and tell her that she spelled meet wrong. That is should be meat. You know like the red stuff I don't eat...meat. I always thought that when someone said "we are not able to make ends meet" that they meant that they did not have enough to even get the "ends meat" or the tail end of a cow's ass. Like we are strugglin to make it therefore, we cannot even afford to eat or are becoming subject to be close to starvation. And, as Meghan corrects me for correcting her it finally hits me. Ends that of two ends of string. We can't get them bitches to "meet" at the "ends."

We all so learn something everyday. At least I do.


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