Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Very Vigorous Voyage

This obviously has something to do with the letter "V" and I really hope that you caught on to this before you read this sentence. If not, now you know. I spent the weekend with Cheri and managed to see two movies. One being not so good and the other making up for the first. Saturday we made the trek to Frederick to see "Stay Alive" which if the movie would have contained more of a back story/better plot it actually would have made a decent cinematic experience. The fact that they tried to base the movie's villian on the real life Blood Countess just dumb founded me. Hello? The Blood Countess killed vigins and bathed in their blood because she thought it would keep her young forever but that happened in like 1500 or some really time long long ago. The Blood Countess in this movie killed all the girls at her dormitory in like 1800 or something. How did this bitch find out about video games? My point exactly. Plus the fact that all the "scary" dead girls and the Countess herself were CGI really ruined it. The only good that can come from this movie is if they actually come out with the game for PS2. Because the graphics for a video game and the premiss would be awesome. I am looking forward.

Cheri and I had much better luck with V for Vendetta. I am in love with this movie right now. It surprised me that the story had so much to do with how the government is secretly plotting to kill us "bi-homo-lesbo-sexuals" and that they will kill thousands to prove their point. Whatever it takes. Because as we all know the world is going to hell is a Prada handbag thanks to us homos. The current President or evil world leaders have nothing to do with it. Nothing. But I digress. When will we get our first woman president? She is seriously needed.

So all in all my weekend was wonderfoil. Cheri even bought me a shirt. And here It is. Love it. Live with it. Because Brokeback is in the motherfuckin house. Oh yeah and I'm wearing it right now at work.


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