Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, April 03, 2006

Ooey Gooey Goodness

I have a hidden crush my people. One that I have been hiding secretly for about seven years. These past couple of weeks it has almost become an obsession. I find myself drooling everyday over my prince. Who could it be you are asking yourself? Well I'll give you a huge hint:

Is this man not the hottest thing since global warming? Well at least I think so. I remember Hal when he was the "Talk Soup" host back those many years ago. Oh what puppy love.

However, this is not the topic at hand today. What is at hand is a bunch of bitches being pimp slapped by yours truly. I found out today that the company I am working for wants to hire me on permanently however, the evil temp whores do not want to let me out of my contract. They are making a $4.00 an hour profit on me. They really get $7.00 an hour but that is to make up for taxes and what not. Excuse me you designer imposter perfume black root stylin eighties throw back wearin temp whores but I want out. I have not yet devised a plan for the temp whores demise but I am working on it. Those evil bitches. The excuse is that I have not been here long enough and they do not want to let me out of my contract yet because of the profit they would be losing. Well eat it up bitches because one way or another you are going to let me out of the fucking contract. You should be happy that I even gave your agency the time of day knowing that you would probably not be able to find an employer paying my pay scale. So because of my generosity you are making bank while I sit here making less than I am used to. Way less. Well I really hope that you put the profit to good use and get that dye job that you seriously need. New Jersey girls are outraged that you attempt to pull off Jersey hair and you obviously do not know the sacred art form that is called "Jersey Hair." Get some new make-up for that thing you call a face. The 70's called baby and they want their hooker blue eye shadow back. And the cast of Pretty Woman called back for those rags you call clothes.

Feel my rage temp whores. I am heated. I am out for vengence.


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