Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I just realized that I have broken the 500th entry mark on my blog. It has only taken over three years. It is amazing. I am sure that it is over 502 because I used to post more than once a day. But, I guess that you can only count each day as one. At least that is what Blogger is telling me at the present time.

A friend of mine told me yesterday that I should seriously look into writing sitcoms or an advice column because of my wit. And, I am seriously thinking about contacting some local papers/magazines to find out if it is possible that I may do this for them. They will have to pay me for it. I mean come on I am a whore and any services rendered must be paid in full. I am wondering how to go about this though. Does anyone out there have any advice? I am seriously thinking about contacting The Blade in D.C. I could be as vulgar and crass as I wanted to be as my people run this magazine. And, Jerry Falwell says we are the spawn of Satan so I feel it is my duty to prove him wrong because even breeders are vulgar and an abomination. So take that Mr. Falwell. You fucking idiot.

I have my first piece of advice:

In regards to Mr. Falwell we must write him off. We all know that people that preach with the cruelty he does are closet freaks. You know he wears nylons underneath his suits. Granted he trys to justify them because they have a cross printed in gold on them and they become Heavenly Hose you are still and undercover dragqueen. And, just because you did it in the "missionary" position with one of your students doesn't make it a holy crusade. You are still an undercover bi-homo-lesbo-sexual. So, Mr. Falwell the next time you preach that my people and I should burn in hell and be shipped off to a deserted remember your time at band camp and get in touch with your inner pervert.


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