Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, August 03, 2008

You Want To Talk About A Long Time

It has been over a year since my last post. I have never forgotten that I had my blog I just moved on to MySpace. Yeah, I am a traitor. A lot of things have changed in my life since last year. I got hurt at work and trust me my back is worse than ever but, somehow I am managing to get through it. I left Shepherd University because of the millions of years I would be there due to them only offering certain classes every year and a half. I enrolled in Cosmetology School and I am loving it. I have always loved doing hair. I know how stereotypical. But, it is what I want to do and I am not looking back. I am on the clinic floor so this pretty much feels like a full time job. I am hoping to graduate by January or February and start my job at Hair Cuttery by then. If all goes well at State Boards. That is a bitch I can assure you. First of all it is 6 hours away. Come on man we are students it is not like we have tons of money laying around. Get me! And with gas prices I may have to start walking now if I want to get there. But, other than that things are going smoothly. I was thinking that I really needed to get back to my roots and start blogging again. Granted it is not going to be all crazy like before because let's face it when you are heavily on drugs you write some crazy shit.

Oh and the biggest changes I left out: Cheri and I are stronger than ever as friends!! I am so happy to have her back in my life. And I am a godmother (father) to April's baby...Chloe!!


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